Baidhao genocides

Somalia government is fully responsible for the deaths and the now potential civil war currently brewing in Baidoa. Dignity and respect are two virtues that every human being ought to live with. While I admire those of you suggesting “maintain the peace message” at all cost, your silence on the government actions begs some questions. Our grievances and the perpetual attacks on our dignity over long period of time(since 1959) requires all digil iyo mirefle to defend their honor. If the election is held next Wednesday, the members of KGS should vote for Robow even while he is the hands of the DICTATOR wanna be Ethiopian stooge FARMAJO. To all Somalis: Wow, do I see and hear the customary inconsistencies of Somalis on their country’s affairs. The selective lens that makes the arrest of a very popular figure, SHEIKH MUKHTAR ROBOW, by ETHIOPIANS to be okay or applauded by some of you here or by Farmajo also shows that you are still hungry for a war. We were made to believe Ethiopia will no longer meddle with Somalia’s affairs, and it has now become very clear that Shariif Xassan was pressured by them as was reported to me by people very close to Shariif. If you think the government has won in their wrestling with Robows unprecedented popular Somali regional politician, you’re mistaken. His arrest begins a new era of reality. One third of Somali populations lives in this region and blatant stupid move by Farmajo further shows his war on the people of REER AW-DIGIL( Digil and Mirefle). And anybody who doesn’t see that undermining the interest of Southwest public’s will to be wrong should really not pretend they care about the overall Somali plight. It is actually not about Robow’s candidacy. The principal in question is whether or not the public’s right to elect their own leader is being violated or not. And anybody who consciously concurs with this Farmajo’s move to deny the right of Southwest regions to hold its own free and fair elections has ill-intentions towards the people of that region and is participating in furthering the rift among Somalis! Take a hard look and think about the principles that are being VIOLATED HERE!
To Nasir Solo’s point, Digil and Mirifle clans should not fight amongest themselves and should rather focus on getting ROBOW ELECTED WHILE HE IS IN JAIL.